Combination of Anti Disconnect and Track Tube Holder

Vent Tie® by Andrew Schuster is a Combo Ventilation Anti-Disconnect and Track Tube Holder, Available Nationwide.

Pepper Medical Inc. offers Vent Tie® which is a combination of an both anti-disconnect ventilator

and a track tube holder. These dual-purpose devices save time and money while providing patients and caregivers with peace of mind.

Prevent accidental disconnections of the ventilator circuitry while simultaneously securing the track tube in place with one of our various Vent Tie® products, PATENT # US D676,958 S.

The American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) has long held that death and injury due to faulty alarms, inadequate alarm systems, alarm misuse, and airway disconnect are avoidable,"

- Sam Giordano, executive director of the AARC as reported in

Joint Commission - Sentinel Event Alert

Issue 25 - February 26, 2002 “Preventing ventilator-related deaths and injuries”.